Monday, May 31, 2010

Ox Carts - The Galician Traditional means of transport

From time immemorial, carts were the means of transport of Galician rural world, always singing and rolling up and down the ox cart routes and trails, and also down the corredoiras of our deepest Galicia.
The origin of wheels and carts obviously seems to be linked to agricultural work and the domestication of animals during the Neolithic period. Both solid and spoke wheels, yokes, two-wheeled and four-wheeled carts were used by the first farmers and stockbreeders in the Near East around the year 3000 BC. Bronze miniatures, reliefs and mosaics confirm their presence among the peoples settled in Mesopotamia, who were able to domesticate the first animal species and were the promoters of the first forms of agriculture, pottery and trade.
The origin of wheels and carts obviously seems to be linked to agricultural work and the domestication of animals during the Neolithic period. Both solid and spoke wheels, yokes, two-wheeled and four-wheeled carts were used by the first farmers and stockbreeders in the Near East around the year 3000 BC. Bronze miniatures, reliefs and mosaics confirm their presence among the peoples settled in Mesopotamia, who were able to domesticate the first animal species and were the promoters of the first forms of agriculture, pottery and trade.

If you wish to know more visit Galician Carts, where you will find information on history, building materials, assembly systems and much, much more.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Newsy: Smoking Baby Ignites Outrage

Ardi Rizal is only 2-years-old, but he smokes 40 cigarettes a day, with the help of his father.
Meet 2-year-old Ardi Rizal from the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. The toddler smokes two packs of cigarettes a day – and has been addicted for 6 months. Reports indicate Ardi will smash his head against walls and throw tantrums if he isn’t smoking.
The video of Ardi was released Thursday - media outlets - and the world alike are outraged at the boy's father – who doesn’t think it’s big deal and says his toddler looks healthy.
We are monitoring coverage from NBC, The Boston Herald, New York Daily News, and The News Chronicle.
On NBC’s "Today" commentators discuss how unhealthy the child really is – calling it child abuse: “They say he’s 55 pounds and he likes to scoot around on this so he doesn’t have to walk because he gets winded." 
Anchor: "No he can’t keep up with other kids. This is child abuse. This is shocking."
Anchor 2: "Oh it’s terrible.”
But could he be an example of a larger problem in third world countries? An article in the Boston Herald says yes: “Scandalized anti-tobacco advocates say it shows what a vice grip the cigarette industry has on the third world.”
Child smokers are a growing problem in Indonesia – The News Chronicle and The New York Daily News bring statistics on the trend.
The New York Daily News: “25% of Indonesia's kids ages 3 to 15 have tried smoking.”
The News Chronicle: “According to statistics, about 3% of Indonesian kids between the ages of 5 and 9 are active smokers.”
Government officials have offered to give the family a car if the child quits - but they declined.
So what do you think? Can the boy be helped? 
Writer: Charlie McKeague

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Newsy: Greece Frog Swarm Compared to Biblical Plague

As if the current financial crisis weren't enought to worry about, now Greece is facing another crisis -- of the slippery kind.
After a horde of frogs in northern Greece forced the closure of a major highway, some are wondering whether this is a parallel to the Biblical plague of frogs.
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann finds the humor in the situation and is quick to point out the frogs are not a sign of impending doom: "No it's not a plague, no, the Greek government doesn't owe money to the nation of -- nevermind. Reminds me of the popular 1980's video arcade game 'Burgertime'. Officials say the amphibians left an area lake in search of food. ... For all you dreamers out there: all the frogs were able to dodge the cars, leap onto logs, then a turtle's back, then eat a fly after making it safely across the road."
Still, the Church of God News says the frog horde is eerily reminiscent of the Biblical plague of frogs that signaled far worse things to come: "... the 10 plagues most certainly caused a financial meltdown in Egypt ... [There] the plagues led to real food shortages as well as the death of the firstborn."
In this clip from Telegraph, a reporter calmly observes the chaos: "We've had skies closed due to volcanic ash, and now more travel cares due to an act of God. This time, roads closed by a biblical plague. ... Still, as Biblical plagues go, it could have been much worse. Three cars skidding as they tried to avoid the frogs. No injuries. Not to humans, anyway."
But a writer for the Epoch Times suggests there may be another explanation for the frog migration: "Some researchers have found that the ... mass movement of frogs and toads is a possible sign of an upcoming earthquake. A report ... found that common toads had a dramatic change in behavior five days before an earthquake in ... April 2009."
So what do you think? Is the frog swarm coincidence? Or a sign of catastrophe? 
Writer: Krysta Brown

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Newsy: Meteorologists Predict Fierce Hurricane Season

It's National Hurricane Preparedness Week, and scientists warn we might have a lot to be prepared for. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season forecast. It warns we could see three to seven major hurricanes this year.
We're analyzing coverage from WFOR, PBS, Discover News, the Weather Channel and the Weather Underground.
Meteorologist Jeff Berardelli of WFOR, a CBS affiliate in south Florida, explains the two main reasons for the prediction: “One of them, El Nino going away. We may be in a La Nina by the end of the summer. And also water temperatures way above normal all across the Atlantic.”
Discovery News notes an important change we may see in future hurricanes, also known as cyclones: “Tropical cyclones may become less frequent this century but pack a stronger punch as a result of global warming.”
This is not the first time scientists have linked global warming to hurricanes. Kerry Emanuel of MIT analyzed the risk that climate change may pose on PBS in 2006, explaining that warmer oceans transfer their heat energy to storms that pass over them and make them stronger: “I think we can say fairly unequivocally that half a degree rise in ocean temperature will cause hurricanes to be more intense.”
With so many factors involved, predicting hurricanes months in advance is complex. Some disagree about the accuracy and utility of these predictions. Stu Ostro, Senior Meteorologist for the Weather Channel wrote this in his blog: “…they're still useless in the sense that nobody can predict with confidence and accuracy exactly what will happen in any given community.”
However, Dr. Jeff Masters, co-founder of Weather Underground notes that NOAA’s predictions have been more accurate than others: “NOAA's … did significantly better than a climatology forecast.”
And whether the predictions become true, many in the media are reminding viewers to be prepared. We'll leave you with this from Dr. Rick Nabb of the Weather Channel: "It only takes one hurricane on your doorstep to make it a bad year for you, and that's something you need to be prepared for."
Writer: TIM WALL

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Humor & Maths

Have you ever considered being taught Maths in English? It is not that hard, as this picture shows:

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Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hi, there 4th ESO students! It's now less than a month until your trip to London. Have you thought about what it will be like? In case you need some advice on your baggage and clothing, take a look at this picture:

The best means of transport in London:

More interesting info at Highlights of London:

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Newsy: BP Begins 'Top Kill' Effort to Stop Gulf Spill

BP is attempting an almost last-ditch effort to stop its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, while others are calling for the military to take over.
“BP has started the unprecedented top kill procedure, in essence they’re gonna try to fill the hole with mud and cement and cap it off, but it has never been tried at this depth, 5,000 feet.” (Fox News)
37 days after an oil rig exploded and after millions of gallons have been spilled in the Gulf of Mexico, BP is implementing what it calls their best chance yet to stop the spill: a ‘top-kill.’
If this procedure doesn’t work, BP has said it could take months to stop the flow of oil, a flow that has already covered hundreds of square miles.
Dylan Ratigan of MSNBC put the spill into geographic perspective: “Their effort to contain the enormous slick on the surface that now not only covers the equivalent of our nation's capital, but would touch all five states that border it. Pick your metaphor, this slick is massive.”
President Obama is planning to visit the Gulf region on Friday, one day after BP says it will know whether the top kill procedure will work. Democratic senator Bill Nelson of Florida told Ratigan the military should take over all cleanup operations if this move fails: “Well, if this plugging doesn't work today, I would have the president completely take charge. I'd do it with the military. ...Now, you've got to keep BP in the loop because they have the instruments in order to do this, but you've got to take it over. ...If all of this doesn't work, we're looking at two to three months of this thing continuing to gush, and that's going to cover up the Gulf of Mexico.”
Talking with Gen. Russell Honore, who oversaw military operations in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, CNN’s Rick Sanchez wanted to know why the military hasn’t been leading the cleanup already: "Why are we now 37 days into this without the U.S. military taking an active role? I know they're there. I know there are parts of the military being used. I know the Coast Guard is being used, but I'm talking something that's even more prevalent."
Whether the move succeeds, Jim Iuorio of CNBC says all the cleanup efforts seem a little ridiculous: “Well, I think the backlash against BP is going to last a long time, and not just the punitive one, the public backlash as well, and deservedly so. I mean it's been five weeks. Nothing seems to be happening, and their high-tech solution today is to rub some dirt in it. It seems almost comical really.”
So what do you think? Will this latest effort by BP to stop the oil work?
Writer: Mike Bushnell

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Newsy: Venus Causes Wardrobe Stir at French Open

Venus Williams dominated on the tennis court in her opening Sunday against Patty Schnyder. But her attire, criticized as "skimpy," is what got all of the attention.

Tennis, welcome to the world of fashion. That's the message after Venus Williams displayed her outfit Sunday at the French Open. Who knew one's attire could cause such a stir on the tennis court?
“Wait, what is that? Is that lingerie?”

“What in the world!!!”
Williams says her outfit was about illusion. She says that the concept has been a lot of her motif this year. But some people aren't too happy about what Williams is bringing to the sport. A writer for writes: “Williams might as well have walked onto the courts of the French Open with a giant flashing attention to me sign. Venus is an talented tennis player who does not need to resort to this sort of thing to draw attention to her game play.”
But others see nothing wrong with bringing a sense of fashion to the game. Or a lack thereof. A writer for writes: […] “I think Venus should be able to show her style in anything that isn’t vulgar, which I don’t think this outfit is. I do, however, think her French Open outfit is ugly. It reminds me of a cheesy Halloween costume.”
This isn't the first time Williams has caught flack for the way she dresses on the court. In January at the Australian Open, she wore a neon green dress that also drew attention.
So what do you think? Are Venus Williams' fashion statements good for the game of tennis? Or is she trying to draw too much attention to herself by what she wears on the court?
WRITER: Cordell Anderson

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Newsy: Did 'Lost' Leave its Viewers Lost?

Many viewers were unpleasantly surprised at the series finale of 'Lost,' saying the episode left too many questions unanswered.

KATE: ”This place…what is it?”
JACK: ”Called it the ‘Heart of the Island.’ All he said was that it’s…it’s a lake.”
HURLEY: ”And that locked-smoke thing, wants him to put it out?”
JACK: ”Something like that, yeah.”
HURLEY: ”So what if he doesn’t?”
JACK: ”Then that’s it for all of us.”

"Lost" fans, including the anchors of KTVX’s Good Morning Utah and Sports Center, shed tears as they watched the series come to an end after six seasons. 
ANGIE LARSEN: “I loved the entire show!” “It was beautiful.” “I cried! I’m not kidding! Get the tissues out!”
JOSH ELLIOTT:…“but when and if you ever watch the Lost finale, you’ll never be disappointed.”
CBS and BBC captured the satisfied feelings that came with the finale: “When the show concluded, I was sad it was over but was ultimately incredibly satisfied. ... And not that it’s over, I’m just happy that I was along for the ride.”
“All in all, the show was wrapped up rather nicely with a positive affirming kind of message.”
But many don’t appreciate the show ending with many questions unanswered. WMAQ-TV's The N Files scrutinizes the decision to leave fans confused: “Welcome back to The N Files, stories that raise questions and give no answers…sort of like that Lost finale.”
People Magazine says the show is still fresh in viewers’ minds even though the show is over: “Are there still burning questions? Of course.” “The show may be over but a new round of discussions—and debates—is just beginning.”
The season finale of Lost generated ratings of about 13.5 million viewers.
Get more multi-source entertainment news from
WRITER: Jessica Duong

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Glogster - Poster Yourself

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Simply put, Glog is a kind of poster - fully designed by yourself! Glog is a fancy creation from text, images, music and video. No matter if it is colourful, straightforward, showy or emo. Your Glog will stand out. It gives you a perfect tool to express yourself.

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Glogster has recently announced Glogster Education, specifically designed with schools in mind.

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Newsy: Landis Admits to Doping, Says Armstrong Taught Him

After four years of losing his Tour de France title to Galician Óscar Pereiro, Floyd Landis admits to using performance enhancing drugs and accuses former teammates of doping as well.
LANCE ARMSTRONG ON ESPN: "He said he has nothing, he's got no proof, it's his word versus ours. We like our word, we like where we stand, we like our credibility.” “I don't think there's a lot of credibility on the other side."
That was seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong commenting on the doping allegations made against him by former teammate, Floyd Landis, who was stripped of his Tour de France title in 2006 after he was found to have used banned performance enhancers.
After four years of denying his positive test for synthetic testosterone, Landis tells Sports Illustrated, "I want to clear my conscience," and "I don't want to be part of the problem anymore" as his reasons for finally coming clean.
In his confessions, Landis emailed top cycling officials his history of doping as well as giving the names of many of his former teammates, including Armstrong, who he says not only used but also taught him how to use the banned enhancers.
BILL STRICKLAND ON CNN: "Floyd is a sort of an interesting character, he's a bit of a circus,"..."Unfortunately for Floyd, he's just discredited himself to the point where the allegations by themselves mean nothing." says very plainly on one of its blogs that, "Landis has, to say the least, very shaky credibility."
Phonak team owner Andy Rihs issued a statement to ESPN saying "Landis' claims were 'lies' and a 'last, tragic attempt' to get publicity."
Despite his shattered credibility, some find reasons to believe him. Here's ESPN and CNN:
ESPN: “The question is, 'Where is the line between being a whistleblower and a snitch?'"
CNN: "It seems the allegations have never stuck"..."So I guess the question is, if you're Lance Armstrong how many times can you deny this?"
Back Porch Fanhouse is willing to hear what Landis has to say: "... you shouldn't dismiss Landis' claims simply because he lied in the past. After all, he has nothing left to lose now."
So what do you think? Is Landis finally telling the whole truth or is he just seeking another fifteen minutes of fame?
Writer: Jessica Duong

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Newsy: 13-Year-Old Climbs Mount Everest

13 year-old Jordan Romero of California became the youngest climber to reach the top of Mt. Everest. Some in the media are asking the question: how young is too young?
Jordan Romero: "I just wanted to do something big and this was something I wanted to do for myself and it was just all about the…and it’s just all about the experience." (Sky News Australia)
That was 13-year-old Jordan Romero from California after he became the youngest person to reach the top of Mt. Everest. Other climbers, including his father who made trip with him, tell CTV, his age was an advantage.
Paul Romero: "This is all his mission, this was all his idea. It’s all his timeline. We’re just packing the bags and chasing him around the world."
Phill Michael: "He’s fortunate that he’s young like that because probably most of his time is spent thinking about what he needs to do in order to get physically and mentally prepared for something like that." 
The Christian Science Monitor says Romero’s determination helped him overcome obstacles he faced to conquer his ultimate goal, to climb all of the Seven Summits: “The Nepalese government would not give the family permission to climb Everest from Nepal, citing Jordan’s age. To make the ascent, Jordan’s team went from the Chinese side, a more difficult approach, but there is no age restriction.”
Others on HLN, say he may have been too young to climb Everest - and other dangerous peaks like Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
Ray D’Alessio: “What do you think? Is thirteen-years-old too young to climb Mt. Everest, or heck, any mountain range for that matter?” “Forty-five percent of you say he is too young while fifty-five percent say, Let the kid climb!” “What ever happened to, Disney World, maybe the beach?” 
Robin Meade:…“Mowing some lawns for some basic money?”
D’Alessio: “Absolutely! You know, anything but this!”
Blogs on The Dallas Morning News, The New York Times and Babble all question the role of parents in allowing kids to go on such quests.
“Don’t parents have a responsibility to say, no?”
“Parents, where do you draw the lines?”
“At 13, is he physically and mentally mature enough to risk his life in this way?”
So what do you think? Is Everest too dangerous for a thirteen-year-old? Or do you celebrate the kid’s guts and glory?

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Nike - Write the Future

The time has come for players to carve their name in history. One touch, tackle or free kick could crush a nation's hopes or cause them to build a statue in your honour. Drogba, Rooney and Ronaldo are ready to Write The Future.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

The Killers: When you were young

"When You Were Young" is a song written and performed by The Killers, and is the third track on their second album Sam's Town, released in October 2006. The song was released as the lead single from that album in September 2006. It has proven to be one of their most successful singles, peaking at #14 on the U.S. Hot 100, as well as their only number 1 to date on the U.S. Modern Rock Tracks. It is also their highest charting single to date in the United Kingdom and Australia, peaking at numbers 2 and 10 respectively.
The song, that is in the key of B major and written in common time, displays the band's move towards a more "American" musical style, as it is part of an album that was supposedly heavily influenced by the music of Bruce Springsteen. The song itself was reportedly influenced by Springsteen's "Born to Run" and "Thunder Road" . The song was nominated for the 2007 Grammy Award for "Best Rock Song", and the single's video, directed by Anthony Mandler, received a nomination in the category of "Best Short Form Music Video". The single was ranked #69 on iTunes Top 100 Best Sellers: Songs of 2006. The song also made #4 on the Triple J Hottest 100, 2006.
The song appears in the video games Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, SingStar Amped, and Rock Band. The single's B-Side "All the Pretty Faces" appears in Guitar Hero 5.
In 2009 it was voted at Number 37 in UK radio station XFM's "100 Greatest Songs of All Time".

The Killers are an American rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada, formed in 2002. The band consists of Brandon Flowers (vocals,keyboards), Dave Keuning (guitar, vocals), Mark Stoermer (bass guitar, vocals) and Ronnie Vannucci Jr. (drums, percussion).
Part of the post-punk revival movement, The Killers draw their influences from music styles of the 1980s. The group's debut album, Hot Fuss (2004) brought the band mainstream success. The Killers' second album, Sam's Town, was released in 2006, and compilation album Sawdust containing B-sides, rarities, and new material, was released in 2007. Their third studio album, Day & Age, produced by Stuart Price, was released in 2008.
The band has sold over 5 million albums in the United States, over 4.5 million albums in the United Kingdom and over 15 million worldwide.

You sit there in your heartache 
Waiting on some beautiful boy to 
save you from your old ways 
You play forgiveness 
Watch it now ... here he comes! 

He doesn't look a thing like Jesus 
But he talks like a gentleman 
Like you imagined when you were young 

Can we climb this mountain 
I don't know 
Higher now than ever before 
I know we can make it if we take it slow 
Let's take it easy 
Easy now, watch it go 

We're burning down the highway skyline 
On the back of a hurricane that started turning 
When you were young 
When you were young 

And sometimes you close your eyes 
and see the place where you used to live 
When you were young 

They say the devil's water, it ain't so sweet 
You don't have to drink right now 
But you can dip your feet 
Every once in a little while 

You sit there in your heartache 
Waiting on some beautiful boy to 
To save you from your old ways 
You play forgiveness 
Watch it now here he comes 

He doesn't look a thing like Jesus 
But he talks like a gentleman 
Like you imagined when you were young 
(He talks like a gentlemen, like you imagined when) 
When you were young 

I said he doesn't look a thing like Jesus 
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus 
But more than you'll ever know

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Newsy: Student faked his way to Harvard

23-year-old Adam Wheeler faces fraud charges after he allegedly lied his way into Harvard University.
"How do you get into Harvard, Rick Sanchez? You have good grades, you have stellar SAT scores, you have amazing teacher recommendations lie."(CNN)
23-year-old Adam Wheeler faces criminal charges after he allegedly did just that. The English major attended for two years before it was discovered that his too-good-to-be-true credentials were, in fact, too good to be true.
So how did Wheeler manage to fake his way into one of the most selective schools in the nation?
Boston news channel WCVB-TV weighs in on the issue.
RUSSELL: "... he was this close to getting a degree from Harvard, a senior when he was kicked out. Prosecutors say he spun an elaborate web of lies to get into the Ivy League school and never stopped lying."
A reporter for a Boston's WHDH-TV points out that Wheeler went to extraordinary lengths to pass off his fake records: "Prosecutors say Wheeler went so far as to lie about SAT scores, getting official SAT letterheading and claiming that he got a 1600."
So how easy is it to just lie your way into Harvard? A blog post on has this to say about the process: "Apparently, even applicants are above reproach on Harvard Yard, and nobody bothered to check the veracity of any of these claims (making me wonder why I ever had to take the SATs, let alone do well on them)."
The Huffington Post quotes an admissions director who says there are lots of ways to spot a fake application, such as matching letterheads and checking postmarks: "Wheeler somehow mimicked real documents convincingly enough to bypass these questions, or such checks were overlooked by admissions staffers."
However, the reporter quotes another official who says that the massive amounts of paper they go through in admissions make it nearly impossible to check every single one. In most cases, he says " have to assume people are honest."
An official Harvard statement appearing in the Boston Herald reads: “In the rare instance when we discover that someone has falsified his or her application materials, we typically rescind that individual’s admission.”
Go figure. 
We leave you with reaction from fellow Harvard students:
STUDENT: "He seemed nice, I don't really know him that well, but he definitely was really smart in class."
STUDENT: "But he's an idiot. Like, it was bound to happen sooner or later."
STUDENT: "It reminds me of the 'Catch Me If You Can' movie, I don't know, that's really random, but..."
WRITER: Krysta Brown

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Newsy: Synthetic Cell Creation

It could be the first step to creating synthetic vaccines and biofuels. Its inventor says it's "the first self-replicating species we’ve had on the planet whose parent is a computer."
Is it a huge new step toward creating artificial life? Or altering life as we know it? Genome pioneer J. Craig Venter has synthesized an entire bacterial genome. Then, he let it take over a cell. Venter says its the first self-replicating species on the planet --- whose parent is a computer.
We're looking at reaction to the creation from the Center for American Progress, Friends of the Earth, Kotaku,, and The New York Times.
First to Jonathan D. Mareno with the liberal think tank Center for American Progress who explains why this creation is so important: "What the institute has been able to do is take one of these synthetic chromosomes, put it into the nucleus of a cell, and in a sense, reboot the cell, to make it follow the instructions of this synthetic chromosome, so you might say they made a synthetic cell."
Friends of the Earth, an environmental group, denounced the synthetic genome: "...(Venter) has taken genetic engineering to an extreme new level. These new synthetic chromosomes mimic billions of years of evolution." 
The blogger Kotaku says, we're doomed: "In layman's terms, he wants to create life. Not just any life, but the sort that we humans can control to our own ends....If that's not the plot to a 70's B-grade horror film, I don't know what is."
Venter just spoke to GenBank's 25th Anniversary courtesy Video Latte. He admits, now that he's taken over one cell, doing it again and again -- should be a cinch: "What took us four years to do in making this first large chromosome we can now do in a very short period of time."
But in an article entitled's Health Care Blogger says, this doesn't mean computer-created life-forms are about to take over the earth: "Don't panic, or get caught in the circle of hype that will be created as these critics clash with gauzy eyed scientists. There's plenty of time for society to figure out what to do with this new technology..."
In fact, scientist David Baltimore tells The New York Times, he's not sure this is all that big a deal: “To my mind Craig has somewhat overplayed the importance of this, He has not created life, only mimicked it."
So what do you think of synthetic cells? Unlocking the door to a better life? Or Pandora's box?

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Newsy: Study Links Pesticides and ADHD

Debate ensues as a new study suggests a correlation between children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) symptoms and the levels of pesticides in their bodies.
A new study finds that 94 percent of the children tested had detectable levels of pesticides in their bodies. Those with the highest levels also showed an increased risk of ADHD.
CNN’s senior medical correspondent reports large doses of a particular pesticide could be to blame for the increased risk.
COHEN: “They’re called organophosphates, and they’re everywhere. ... this is a very commonly used pesticide. This is the first time that they've found a link between pesticides and ADHD. What they found in the study is that kids who took in large levels of really high levels of this pesticide were twice as likely to get ADHD.”
Conversely, ABC writer Andrea Canning of "Good Morning America" emphasizes the study's claim that even low levels of pesticide consumption might alter brain activity.
CANNING: "...more research is still definitely needed in the future to confirm a connection. Still, the study's researchers claim even tiny amounts of pesticides may affect brain chemistry in children.”
The study’s main author, a researcher at the University of Montreal, explains the underlying biological effects in an article on Medscape Medical News: "It is very well established that organophosphates disrupt brain neurochemical activity. Indeed, their efficacy as pesticides result from their toxic effect on the central nervous system of insects."
But NBC's "Today Show" emphasizes the study did not find a DIRECT link between the two: “It’s an association, not a cause-and-effect, but I have to say, alarming and yet one more arrow in, I think, the concern we all have about our food chain.”
CropLife America, acting as a representative for the pesticide industry, responded by saying the study’s findings are not conclusive and more research is needed.
WRITER: Krysta Brown

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Attention 3rd ESO students! It is now the time to decide whether to choose 4th ESO Biology in English or in Galician. We hope this post will help you make a decision. We also hope both you and present 4th ESO Biology students will try and watch this exciting, very intelligent and thought-provoking film: maybe that was why it didn't do so well at the box office... perhaps most cinema-goers don't want their thoughts to be provoked.

Gattaca is a 1997 American science fiction drama film written and directed by Andrew Niccol, starring Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman and Jude Law with supporting roles played by Loren Dean, Ernest Borgnine, Gore Vidal and Alan Arkin. The film was a 1997 nominee for the Academy Award for Best Art Direction — Set Decoration. 
The title is based on the initial letters of the four DNA nitrogenous bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine). During the credits the letters G, C, T, and A are all highlighted.
The film presents a biopunk vision of a society driven by liberal eugenics. Children of the middle and upper classes are selected throughpreimplantation genetic diagnosis to ensure they possess the best hereditary traits of their parents. A genetic registry database usesbiometrics to instantly identify and classify those so created as valids while those conceived by traditional means are derisively known asin-valids. While genetic discrimination is forbidden by law, in practice it is easy to profile one's genotype resulting in the Valids qualifying for professional employment while the In-Valids who are susceptible to disease are relegated to menial jobs. The movie draws on concerns overreproductive technologies which facilitate eugenics, and the possible consequences of such technological developments for society. It also explores the idea of destiny and the ways in which it can and does govern lives. Characters in Gattaca continually battle both with society and with themselves to find their place in the world and who they are destined to be according to their genes.

The beautiful music for Gattaca was composed by Michael Nyman.

And now, if you wish to learn more, you can take a look this on-line Biology book or explore the best links on Biology here.

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The Killers - Human

"Human" is a song by alternative rock band The Killers, and was released as the first single from the band's third studio album Day & Age. It premiered on Zane Lowe's evening show on BBC Radio 1 on September 22, 2008, with a digital release on September 30, 2008. It became the third song by the band to enter the top 5 of the UK singles chart. It was their first top ten hit in the Netherlands (peaking at #2). The song was released on a 7-inch picture disc throughout the world on various dates in November, with a B-side entitled "A Crippling Blow".
The Killers are an American rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada, formed in 2002. The band consists of Brandon Flowers (vocals,keyboards), Dave Keuning (guitar, vocals), Mark Stoermer (bass guitar, vocals) and Ronnie Vannucci Jr. (drums, percussion).
Part of the post-punk revival movement, The Killers draw their influences from music styles of the 1980s. The group's debut album, Hot Fuss (2004) brought the band mainstream success. The Killers' second album, Sam's Town, was released in 2006, and compilation album Sawdust containing B-sides, rarities, and new material, was released in 2007. Their third studio album, Day & Age, produced by Stuart Price, was released in 2008.
The band has sold over 5 million albums in the United States, over 4.5 million albums in the United Kingdom and over 15 million worldwide.
There remains confusion and debate over the line "Are we human, or are we dancer?" in the song's chorus due to its unusual grammar. Debate raged across the internet over whether the lyrics said "denser" or "dancer", a misunderstanding which invoked conflicting interpretations of the song's meaning. Entertainment Weekly's Pop Watch section called this line the "silliest lyrics of the week". They were puzzled by the interpretation, stating "most dancers are generally human". On the band's official website, the biography section states that Flowers is singing "Are we human, or are we dancer?" and also says that the lyrics were inspired by a disparaging comment made by Hunter S. Thompson, where he stated America was raising "a generation of dancers". Various interpretations have been proposed, including that the word "dancer" should be taken in the same manner as "human" in that specific context (i.e. a distinct species). In an interview with Rolling Stone, Flowers said that he was irritated over the confusion about the lyrics and also that fans were unhappy with the song's dance beat: "It's supposed to be a dance song, [the beat] goes with the chorus...If you can't put that together, you're an idiot. I just don't get why there's a confusion about it."
The music video for "Human" was released in mid-October 2008 and directed by Daniel Drysdale. It features the band performing the song inGoblin Valley State Park, Utah. The portraits of the band drawn for the album by Paul Normansell are shown in the video, such as when the band members hold the portraits in front of their faces. Various animals are also shown throughout the video, such as a white tiger, aneagle, and a cougar. It's been noted to have heavy similarities to Pink Floyd's Live at Pompeii concert film, such as the band playing the song in a desert landscape amongst various amplifiers and other stage equipment and mostly in much of the camera angles. The video ends with the band watching the sun setting in the desert, which turns into the album cover, also drawn by Paul Normansell.

I did my best to notice
When the call came down the line
Up to the platform of surrender
I was brought but I was kind

And sometimes I get nervous
When I see an open door
Close your eyes, clear your heart
Cut the cord

Are we human or are we dancer/denser?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer/denser?

Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Give my regards to soul and romance
They always did the best they could

And so long to devotion
You taught me everything I know
Wave goodbye, wish me well
You've gotta let me go

Are we human or are we dancer/denser?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer/denser?

Will your system be alright
When you dream of home tonight?
There is no message we're receiving
Let me know, is your heart still beating?

Are we human or are we dancer/denser?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer

You've gotta let me know
Are we human or are we dancer/denser?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer/denser?

Are we human or are we dancer/denser?
Are we human or are we dancer/denser?

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Shakira -Time For Africa: Waka Waka

Official FIFA South Africa 2010 World Cup Song by Shakira: Waka Waka (This is Africa).

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Mark Webber F1 Track Simulation Melbourne 2010

Mark Webber explains the Formula One Track of Melbourne (Australia).

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Newsy: Shuttle Atlantis Lifts Off, Only Two Shuttles Left

NASA prepares for the retirement of its shuttle fleet as space shuttle Atlantis blasts off.
"Three, two, one -- and zero and liftoff of space shuttle Atlantis, a picture of its historic achievements in space. And Houston, Atlantis is in the roll."
Space shuttle Atlantis lifts off on its last mission after 25 years in operation. NASA will conduct only two more missions under it's space shuttle program -- and due to government budget cuts, its future in space exploration remains unclear. 
Fox News outlines Atlantis's mission at hand and its history in space: "1985, October 3rd. That is when Atlantis made her debut. She has flown many missions since then. This will be the entirety, the 32nd mission. Once it gets underway. The crew all men, all veterans, no rookies on-board. But they will go down in history as being the last crew to fly on Atlantis. It's a 12 day mission. Three space walks, installing some equipments and batteries up on the International Space Station."
MSNBC's Veteran Space Correspondent highlights this bittersweet moment: "I realize that after these final two that it'll be the last two launches I will see in my lifetime. Because we'll probably be at least seven years -- most people think ten years before we have another astronaut launched from the United States."
Former President George W. Bush decided to cancel the shuttle program in 2003. InformationWeek explains why some people are critical of the decision: "President Obama has stuck with the cancellation plan. Critics of the plan to end the shuttle program insist its cancellation would leave the U.S. dependent on foreign countries for transportation to the ISS until a replacement vehicle is ready."
PBS breaks down Obama's plan for NASA: "Mr. Obama's plan would boost NASA's budget by six billion dollars over five years. Focusing on spurring the private space transportation industry. While NASA looks to develope rockets."
"Armstrong and fellow former astronauts Eugene Cernan and Jim Lovell released a statement calling the decision devastating."
NASA's Chief Technologist tells CNN NASA's list of ambitions for the future: "It includes flights to a near Earth asteroid, a destination well beyond the Earth's gravitational boundaries, certainly outside the Earth's system, if you will, in the 2025 time frame. And then a flight to Mars, to go in orbit about Mars and to return safely in 2035 with an eventual landing on Mars to follow."
Does Atlantis mark the beginning of the end for United States space exploration or will NASA find resources to journey on?

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Newsy: Robin Hood Gets Mixed Reviews

The reviews are in, and they aren't good for Russell Crowe and the new movie 'Robin Hood'. The movie opened in front of a glamourous audience in France on Wednesday. Now critics are debating the significance of the Cannes Festival to a film's success - and whether Ridley Scott's new spin on Robin Hood was a good one.
On CNN reporter Neil Curry describes the importance of the festival to the film industry: "In recent weeks cannes has been hit by freak storms, a volcanic ash cloud, and even worse fears over a lack of star power. Yet Like Robin Hood's bow Cannes remains bent but unbroken as it continues to be the key event in the worlds film festival calendar."
And the Miami Herald calls the festival the make or break festival for big budget movies: "It's Hollywood's version of a home-run swing: a pricey premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, which can yield a bases-clearing blast - at the risk of a rally-killing strikeout."
On Telegraph TV, Russel Crowe talks about the new spin the movie puts on the story of Robin Hood: "He says they took a unique view on the story, and wanted to re-write it in their own way."
Crowe: "We took a very arrogant perspective on this, which I believe you have to if you are going to retell a story thats been told for a thousand years. We took the persepctive that whatever you think you know about Robin Hood is a previously understandable mistake."
Critics have been quick to rip the movie for taking that angle. Paul Gallagher with Future Movies UK gives his review on Rotten Tomatoes: "In their efforts to do something new and different with the Robin Hood character, Scott and his merry band of filmmakers have robbed him of everything that made him great."
But Vanity Fair Magazine says the movie isn't all bad and the criticism comes from a stiff audience -- particularly the French: "Premiering Ridley Scott's Robin Hood at the Cannes Film Festival is a bit like premiering Saving Private Ryan at the Berlin Festival, or Cocoon on movie night at a nursing home—a tough crowd."
The movie debuts in the U.S. on Friday. So what do you think? Are you planning to see Robin Hood? Or will you stay away from Sherwood Forest?

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Darth Vader's recording for Tom Tom GPS

Watch Lord Vader during the recording of his GPS voice for TomTom.

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Procrastination is avoiding doing things that need to be done or leaving things undone for as long as possible.
Procrastination is putting off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness. 
Procrastination is the thief of time. 
Procrastination is postponing or delaying needlessly. 
Procrastination is slowness as a consequence of not getting around to do something. 
Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. 
Procrastination is delay, hesitation, slowness, slackness, dilatoriness and temporization. 
Procrastination was Hamlet's problem. 
Procrastination IS YOUR PROBLEM.

The 3rd term PBL (Problem Based Learning activity) for 1st, 2nd and 3rd ESO was posted on this blog on Sunday 18th April. During the week 19th-23rd May every student was reminded of this activity in their English lessons and was instructed to visit this blog in order to understand better what their tasks were supposed to be like. 

If you look at the data and information below you can see how many visitors we had on the following dates: 
Mon 19th April - 12 visitors         Mon 26th April - 22 visitors       Mon 3rd May- 25 visitors
Tues 20th April - 22                    Tues 27th April - 18                   Tues 4th May - 27
Wed 21st April - 35                    Wed 28th April - 16                   Wed 5th May - 21
Thurs 22nd April - 21                  Thurs 29th April - 14                  Thurs 6th May - 17
Fri 23rd April - 10                       Fri 30th April - 10                      Fri 7th May - 23
Sat 24th April - 13                       Sat 1st May - 18                        Sat 8th May - 46
Sun 25th April - 20                      Sun 2nd May - 19                      Sun 9th May - 38
                                                    Mon 10th May - 46 visitors
                                                    Tuesday 11th May - 122 visitors

We also have these data in relation to Tuesday 11th May:

16,152 words were copied - 23 images were copied - 37 copies were made

What do all these data mean? What do they tell you? Well, we are sure you are intelligent enough to make up your own opinion and draw your own conclusions

And now, if you need some advice visit these sites:
I will do it tomorrow
Overcoming procrastination

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Labor Europe Tour 2010 - It's a Celebration!

Labor's Living a Celebration!!

We are celebrating at Labor School. On Thursday 13th and Friday 14th we are holding our traditional open-doors days and theme celebration: Europe this year!

Everybody is welcome. Have fun!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Use your English in London

Hi there, 4th ESO Labor students. If you intend to join our school trip to London late in June you should check Use your English in London, a blog by some students from a public high school in Madrid. Here you will find lots of useful information and experiences: London scenery, buildings, objects and places, means of transport, on the streets of London, and many more interesting links. Check it out!

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English Tests, Exams and Deadlines

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