Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011

Labor School Students,

Halloween is approaching and to celebrate it at LaborEnglishZone we give you again a very interesting post on the origins of this holiday.

Have a nice Halloween and enjoy the post!

Photo by our Primary Physical Education teacher César Redondo

Friday, October 28, 2011

ESO 1 - 1st Term PBL

ESO 1 Students,

This is your 1st term PBL assignment. You have to write a letter to an imaginary penfriend. Include information about you, your family and free time. Your letter must be at least 100 words long.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Excessive Texting: Top 10 Dangers

Labor ESO Students, 

We give you now the post published today, Thursday 27th October, on High School, the educational supplement at the Huffington Post about the dangers of excessive texting for teenagers' health.

About 75 percent of 12-17 year-olds in America own a cell phone. Half of them send 50 or more text messages a day, and one-third send more than 100 text messages daily. Texting's popular -- but you knew that, of course.
What you might not know are the potential dangers associated with being glued to your phone 24/7 (and we're not just talking accidentally sending "I'm busty" instead of "I'm busy" to your crush... though that counts, too).
Below are the top 10 biggest texting dangers you should be aware of before entering into your next 24-hour texting spree. Or you can click here to watch the slideshare

2nd 2011-12 Quiz

ESO 3 & ESO 4 Students,

10 points up for grabs valid for the 1st term to the first student to e-mail us the correct answer to this quiz:

What is the meaning of 'Mylo Xyloto', the title of Coldplay's latest album?

ESO English Syllabus 2011-12

ESO Students,

If you click on the following links you can download your English syllabus, terms and conditions for 2011-12:

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non commercial purposes only.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

ESO 2 1st Term PBL - Stop Bullying!

ESO 2 Students,

This is your 1st term PBL assignment. You have to translate this mind map into Spanish: 


Sunday, October 16, 2011

1st 2011-12 Quiz

ESO 1 & ESO 2 students,

10 points up for grabs valid for the 1st term to the first student to e-mail us the correct answer to this quiz:

Good luck!

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Programa de Becas High School para estudiantes de 4º de la ESO

PROGRAMA DE BECAS HIGH SCHOOL para estudiantes de 4º de la ESO
Fundación Barrié y Fundación Amancio Ortega

La Fundación Barrié y la Fundación Amancio Ortega convocan la tercera edición del programa de Becas High School. Un año académico en Estados Unidos, dirigido a estudiantes de 4º de ESO en un centro académico de Galicia en el momento de la solicitud. Los estudiantes seleccionados tendrán la oportunidad de cursar en EEUU estudios equivalentes a 1º de bachillerato ('Grade 11' en el sistema de Estados Unidos).

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

ESO 3 & ESO 4 1st Term PBL 2011-12

ESO 3 & ESO 4 Students,

This is your PBL assignment for the 1st term:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blogs & Sites at Labor School

ESO Students,

As of today, your teachers at Labor School offer you up to 17 blogs and sites, 10 of them targeting ESO contents. 1 more blog (French Language) is soon to be published. Please visit them regularly and take advantage of all the hard, good work your teachers are carrying out for your benefit.

English Tests, Exams and Deadlines

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