Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spanish Words "White" People Can't Say

Labor students,

If you ever thought that English is difficult and pronunciation a nightmare, wait until you watch this video-clip and learn about how these American English speakers feel about Spanish!

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Heartbreaking Notes from Third Graders

Retrieved at:

Colorado Teacher Shares Heartbreaking Notes From Third Graders

Kyle Schwartz teaches third grade at Doull Elementary in Denver.
Although she says her students are a pleasure to look after, the educator of three years adds that many of them come from underprivileged homes.
"Ninety-two percent of our students qualify for free and reduced lunch," Schwartz tells ABC News. "As a new teacher, I struggled to understand the reality of my students' lives and how to best support them. I just felt like there was something I didn't know about my students."
PHOTO: The students notes sparked a social media movement on Twitter.
Kyle Schwartz
PHOTO: The students' notes sparked a social media movement on Twitter.
In a bid to build trust between her and her students, Schwartz thought up a lesson plan called "I Wish My Teacher Knew."
For the activity, Schwartz's third graders jot down a thought for their teacher, sharing something they'd like her to know about them.
"I let students determine if they would like to answer anonymously," she says. "I have found that most students are not only willing to include their name, but also enjoy sharing with the class. Even when what my students are sharing is sensitive in nature, most students want their classmates to know.
PHOTO: Schwartz was shocked by her students honesty.
Kyle Schwartz
PHOTO: Schwartz was shocked by her students' honesty.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Graduation Speech: ESO 4 2014-15 3rd Term PBL Assignment

ESO 4 Students,

This is your PBL assignment for the 3rd term. All of you have to WRITE and DELIVER your GRADUATION SPEECH.  You have to imagine you are going to stand in the school Assembly Hall before your teachers, classmates, parents and guests at your ESO graduation ceremony (to be held on June 19th) and deliver your speech, which must be at least 350 WORDS LONG.

The best student will be offered the chance to deliver his or her speech at your graduation ceremony... in English!! Of course, he or she will get extra points in the final mark for that effort.

When is Cheryl's Birthday?

(Reblogged from Mind Your Decisions).

This problem went viral after it appeared on a Math Olympiad test for talented students in Singapore. After it was posted to Facebook, the problem went viral generating debate about the correct answer.

Albert and Bernard have just become friends with Cheryl, and they want to know when her birthday is. Cheryl gives them a list of 10 possible dates.

May 15, May 16, May 19
June 17, June 18
July 14, July 16
August 14, August 15, August 17

Cheryl tells Albert the month and Bernard the day.

Albert says, "I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, but I know that Bernard cannot know either."

Bernard then says, "At first I didn't know when Cheryl's birthday is, but now I do know."

Albert concludes, "Now I know when Cheryl's birthday is."

So when is Cheryl's birthday? Think carefully about it and if you cannot work out what the solution is, click on the "Read More »" link below to watch a video and read about the logic behind the answer.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Come She Will 2015

At LEZ we have posted 2 songs by Simon Garfunkel: I am a rock and 7 O'Clock News/Silent Night. We give you now another of their masterpieces, 'April Come She Will.' Whatever happened to poets and musicians like them?

April, come she will
When streams are ripe and swelled with rain.
May, she will stay
Resting in my arms again.
June, she'll change her tune,
in restless walks she'll prowl the night.
July, she will fly
and give no warning to her flight.
August, die she must,
the autumn winds blow chilly and cold.
September, I'll remember
a love once new has now grown old.

This brilliant, beautiful video clip illustrating the song is by a young American genius, Justin Ho. Keep his name in mind: Sooner or later he will become a very famous film director.

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

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