Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Labor Walk of Fame 3.3

The following are the best students for the 3rd term. Congratulations!

ESO 1A- Sofía Lago Castro (9.81)
ESO 1B- Diego Rodríguez Riobó (7.94)
ESO 2A- Gonzalo Torres Lamas (8.77)
ESO 2B- Raquel Cordeiro Canosa (9.05)
ESO 3A- Melanie Waidler Heisecke (9.87)
ESO 3B- Marta Rivas Ramallo (8.67)
ESO 4A- Andrea Cobo Arena (9.60)

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Monday, June 15, 2015

A Reader's Manifesto

No copyright infringement intended. For educational non commercial purposes only.

English Tests, Exams and Deadlines

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