Sunday, May 26, 2019

Rhythm Guide

This is a fantastic way to learn rhythm notation, but it might make you hungry.

Would you like to learn about crotchets and quavers? Do you wish to impress your friends with your mastery of syncopation?
All you need is hot dogs, energy drinks and your favourite Mexican food.

Music Notes explains it all in this splendid chart to help everyone learn the rudiments of rhythm. Go on, clap along...

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Panda bear caretaker: a beautiful job?

While we all keep looking for the ideal job: journalist, doctor, architect, teacher or even football player, working as a panda bear caretaker could be a wonderful yet demanding choice.

Giant panda cubs are adorable fluff balls that squeak and squeal. This endangered species is also incredibly tricky to breed and raise in captivity. In the 1960s, only 30 percent of infant pandas born at breeding centers survived. Today 90 percent survive.

The video below shows how baby pandas are successfully raised and bred in captivity in a panda bear center in China before being released into the wild.

Maybe next time when someone asks you what you want to be when you grow up, you won't hesitate.

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

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