Saturday, November 30, 2019

Ahimsa, by U2 and A.R. Rahman

Ahimsa (in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist tradition) means respect for all living things and avoidance of violence towards others.

[Intro: Khatija and Raheema]
பிறர்க்கின்னா முற்பகல் செய்யின் தமக்கின்னா
பிற்பகல் தாமே வரும்

[Verse 1: Bono]
I'll meet you where the sky is torn
I'll meet you in the air
I'll meet you before the world was born
When we had not a care

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Five W's Song, by Scratch Garden

The Five W's Song teaches the 5 W's of the English Language: Who, What, Where, When, and Why.

This video is great for reading comprehension and for teaching those all important wh- question words that are used everyday when speaking or writing English!

Whether you are learning storytelling, beginning story writing or doing ESL vocabulary, ESO learners of English of any age will love to learn with The 5 W's Song by Scratch Garden!

Five W's
Five W's
You can't tell a story
Without Five W's
Who Who Who
A story needs a Who,
Like a Grandma,
or a dog, or even you!
What What What
A story needs a What,
Like a birthday party,
Or the fish you caught!
Where Where Where
A story needs a Where,
Like your bedroom, at the beach,
Or over there!
When When When
A story needs a When,
Like this morning, or on Tuesday,
Or back then!
Why Why Why
A story needs a Why,
Like 'because you missed the bus',
Or 'because they wanted to fly...!'
Five W's
Five W's
You can't tell a story
Without Five W's

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only

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