Friday, June 26, 2020

ESO 1 Summer 2020 Remedial Task

Dear ESO 1 Students,

Here is your 2020 summer remedial assignment:

•You should solve the activities of the first 6 'Self Check' pages that you will find at the end of every unit of your Workbook.
•You should also complete the first two revision sections found at the end of every three units in your student's book: review A (units 1, 2, 3), review B (units 4, 5, 6).
• Besides, you should also revise the first 40 irregular verbs found on the appendix of your Student's book.
•You should also revise the Student’s Book’s activities we’ve done in class all along the year, as well as those given in photocopies.

Use an A-4 sized notebook to copy the formulation or wording of every activity and underline their key words. Then, translate that wording into Galician/Spanish and solve the activities.

This assignment is NOT COMPULSORY. You do not need to hand in your homework as it will NOT ADD ANY POINTS AT ALL TO YOUR SEPTEMBER MARK. However, I would like to advise you to prepare these activities if you want to be successful in your September remedial exams.

This is your English exams schedule for September 2020:

•Tuesday 1st September, 16:00 - 17:15 - ESO 1 Previous Year Remedial Test.
•Wednesday 2nd September, 10:15 - 11:30 - ESO 1  Remedial Test.


Should you have any queries, please, email me at

Kind regards,


ESO 2, 3 & 4 Summer 2020 Remedial Task

ESO 2, 3, & 4 Students,

Here is your 2020 summer remedial assignment. Download these files and complete them on your PC. Please try to use LFCA (long, full, complete answers) as often as possible and do your best: spare no effort!

If you have any queries or doubts or if you have trouble downloading these files, please e-mail me. I'll try and reach out to you as soon as possible.

This assignment is NOT MANDATORY. You do not need to submit your homework as it will NOT ADD ANY POINTS AT ALL TO YOUR SEPTEMBER MARK. However, we would like to advise you to prepare these activities if you want to be successful in your September remedial exams.

----------- ooo O ooo ----------

This is your English exams schedule for September 2020:
  • Tuesday 1st September, 9:00 - 10:15 - ESO 4 Remedial Test.
  • Tuesday 1st September, 16:00 - 17:15 - ESO 1, ESO 2 and ESO 3 Previous Years Remedial Tests.
  • Wednesday 2nd September, 10:15 - 11:30 - ESO 1 and ESO 2 Remedial Test.
  • Thursday 3rd September, 10:15 - 11:30 - ESO 3 Remedial Test.

Have a very nice summer and... good luck!

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

Monday, June 15, 2020

ESO 1: Farewell

Dear ESO 1 students,

According to the schedule conceived three months ago to provide you with some online  English practice, you still had to hand in one last file regarding the revision of units 4, 5 and 6. However, after having already received individual revision files from those units, I feel it would be redundant for you to complete reinforcement activities again.

In light of this, I’m glad to inform you that your online English practice has come to an end… at least for now.

As we won’t have the opportunity for a proper face to face farewell, I must say it was a pleasure to be your teacher this year. You’ve been such a nice group of hardworking students and better human beings. I’m looking forward to seeing each other in September, hopefully in a better scenario, where in-class teaching will take the lead again.

Please, find the answers for unit 6 activities by clicking on the link below.

ESO 1: unit 6 answers

Safely enjoy your summer time, since you deserve it. All the best,


No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

Monday, June 8, 2020

ESO 1: Unit 6 revision (Monday 8th June - Sunday 14th June)

Dear ESO 1 students,

You will find your Unit 6 tasks by clicking on the link below:

You must download the file and solve the activities on your computer. Then, you have to send that file back to me at

Do not send me any photographs of your notebooks or workbooks. Just return a doc. or a pdf. file to me once you have solved it. Remember to identify your file before sending it back to me.

You must identify your file as follows:

Class_Number_Name_1stSurname_unit6 - Example: 1A_1_Alejandra_Alcañiz_unit6

The deadline will be Sunday 14th June (as I will be publishing the answers on Monday). No files will be admitted after the deadline.

The correct answers to this task will be published next Monday 15th June.

By cliking on the link below, you will find the answers to the previous week activities:

ESO 1: unit 5 answers

This is our schedule:

Week 1: Unit 1 revision; Monday 27th April - Sunday 3rd May   👍
Week 2: Unit 2 revision; Monday 4th May - Sunday 10th May    👍
Week 3: Unit 3 revision; Monday 11th May - Sunday 17th May  👍
Week 4: Units 1-3 reinforcement; Monday 18th May - Sunday 24th May 👍

Week 5: Unit 4 revision; Monday 25th May - Sunday 31st May 👍
Week 6: Unit 5 revision; Monday 1st June - Sunday 7th June   👍
Week 7: Unit 6 revision; Monday 8th June - Sunday 14th June
Week 8: Units 4-6 reinforcement; Monday 15th June - Sunday 21st June

Stay safe and take care. All the best!

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

ESO 2, 3 & 4: WEEK 8 - 2ndTerm Reinforcement

ESO 2, 3, 4 Students,

We're almost done!! This is the last week!!

These are your week 8 tasks: 2nd Term (units 4, 5 & 6) reinforcement tasks.

Please DOWNLOAD THE FILES posted below and solve them on your computer (if you aren't able to download them on your computer, try a different one or on a tablet; don't download them on your mobile phone: it won't work properly). Don't try and open them without downloading them first!


Then, you will have to send that file back to me at

IMPORTANT: This week you will also have to DOWNLOAD AN AUDIO FILE; download the ZIP file and extract its contents (an mp3 file) on to your computer. Then listen to it as many times as necessary to answer the listening comprehension activities.

When you sit down to work on these tasks, make sure you have your Student's Book on your table or desk: in order to solve the activities, you will need to revise the vocabulary, grammar and irregular verbs sections you will find in your workbook. All these activities are planned so that you do a little bit every weekday. Don't try and do them all in just one go!

Do not send me any photographs of your notebooks or workbooks. Just return a *.pdf file to me once you have solved it. REMEMBER TO IDENTIFY YOUR FILE before sending it back.

Just in case, if you have any trouble, click on this link to convert to your files to *.pdf format online.


Example: 4A_1_Alfonso_Carballo.pdf

The deadline will be Saturday 13th June.
No files will be admitted after the deadline.

Click on the links below to DOWNLOAD your tasks for week 8 (end Term (units 4, 5 and 6) revision and reinforcement; Sunday 7th - Saturday 13th June).

Don't forget to download last week's correct answers and check if your own were correct.
I'll be happy to solve any doubts you have.

ESO 4 2nd Term Reinforcement
ESO 4 2nd Term Audio

ESO 2 Unit 6 Answers

ESO 3 Unit 6 Answers

ESO 4 Unit 6 Answers

This is our schedule:

Week 1: Unit 1 revision; Sunday 19th April - Saturday 25th April                  ü
Week 2: Unit 2 revision; Sunday 26th April - Saturday 2nd May                    ü
Week 3: Unit 3 revision; Sunday 3rd May - Saturday 9th May                        ü
Week 4: Units 1-3 reinforcement; Sunday 10th May - Saturday 16th May      ü
Week 5: Unit 4 revision; Sunday 17th May - Saturday 23rd May                    ü
Week 6: Unit 5 revision; Sunday 24th May - Saturday 30th May                    ü
Week 7: Unit 6 revision; Sunday 31st May - Saturday 6th June                       ü

Week 8: Units 4-6 reinforcement; Sunday 7th June - Saturday 13th June.

Stay safe and take care. All the best!

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

Monday, June 1, 2020

ESO 1: Unit 5 revision (Monday 1st June - Sunday 7th June)

Dear ESO1 students,

You will find your Unit 5 tasks by clicking on the link below:

You must download the file and solve the activities on your computer. Then, you have to send that file back to me at

Do not send me any photographs of your notebooks or workbooks. Just return a doc. or a pdf. file to me once you have solved it. Remember to identify your file before sending it back to me.

You must identify your file as follows:

Class_Number_Name_1stSurname_unit5 - Example: 1A_1_Alejandra_Alcañiz_unit5

The deadline will be Sunday 7th June (as I will be publishing the answers on Monday). No files will be admitted after the deadline.

The correct answers to this task will be published next Monday 8th June.

By cliking on the link below, you will find the answers to the previous week activities:

ESO 1: unit 4 answers

This is our schedule:

Week 1: Unit 1 revision; Monday 27th April - Sunday 3rd May   👍
Week 2: Unit 2 revision; Monday 4th May - Sunday 10th May    👍
Week 3: Unit 3 revision; Monday 11th May - Sunday 17th May  👍
Week 4: Units 1-3 reinforcement; Monday 18th May - Sunday 24th May 👍

Week 5: Unit 4 revision; Monday 25th May - Sunday 31st May 👍
Week 6: Unit 5 revision; Monday 1st June - Sunday 7th June
Week 7: Unit 6 revision; Monday 8th June - Sunday 14th June
Week 8: Units 4-6 reinforcement; Monday 15th June - Sunday 21st June

Stay safe and take care. All the best!

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

English Tests, Exams and Deadlines

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