Friday, June 25, 2021

Summer 2021 Remedial Task

ESO Students,

Here is your 2021 summer remedial assignment:
  • You should solve the activities of the vocabulary, grammar and writing pages in each unit (pages 1, 3, 4, 5 and 8 in every unit)
  • You should also complete the three revision sections found at the end of every three units in your student's book: review A (units 1, 2, 3), review B (units 4, 5, 6) and review C (units 7, 8, 9).
Use an A-4 sized notebook to copy the formulation or wording of every activity and underline their key words. Then, translate that wording into Galician/Spanish and solve the activities.

This assignment is NOT COMPULSORY. You do not need to hand in your homework as it will NOT ADD ANY POINTS AT ALL TO YOUR SEPTEMBER MARK. However, we would like to advise you to prepare these activities if you want to be successful in your September remedial exams.

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This is your English exams schedule for September 2021:
  • Wednesday 1st September, 9:00 - 10:15 - ESO 4 Remedial Test.
  • Wednesday 1st September, 13:00 - ESO 1, ESO 2 and ESO 3 Previous Years Remedial Tests.
  • Thursday 2nd September, 10:15 - 11:30 - ESO 1 and ESO 2 Remedial Test.
  • Friday 3rd September, 10:15 - 11:30 - ESO 3 Remedial Test.
Have a very nice summer and... good luck!

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Best 2021 Graduation Speeches, by María Aguiño and Alicia Fernández.

This year's best graduation speeches are by 4 ESO A student María Aguiño and 4 ESO B Alicia Fernández, who have not only written brilliant commencement addresses, but they have delivered them with passion, in style and grace, and with fine pronunciation, intonation and stance, and with remarkable composure, serenity and good spirit. Congratulations to both of them!

As usual, these students are the chosen ones to speak on behalf of their classmates at the 4 ESO graduation ceremony to be held at 1 pm on Monday 21st June.

Keep Trying, by María Aguiño Enero (4 ESO A)

Good afternoon everybody, classmates, families and teachers; welcome to our graduation and thanks for being here today.

After 13 long years at this school, the day has finally come. I’m not going to lie, I’m feeling a little bit homesick, but at the same time I’m very excited to see the changes that this new stage will bring.

Well, I really don’t know how to start, 13 years is a looong time, and I have so many memories, it’s very difficult to choose the best ones! Some are funny, some are boring, and some… are best left unsaid.

I remember my first class with Vallejo, and how scared I was; or the day when some girls from my class and I got stuck in the elevator with María Barbosa. And I have to confess that when Celia and I were 9 years old, we cheated in our exams; we felt very cool and a little scared, nobody knew it… until now, I’m sorry mom. Now that I have mentioned her, my mother told me that on the first day of school, when I got to the playground, I said very excited: I’m finally here!! Then we started secondary school, we were the little ones again, and the teachers were more strict. But suddenly, it turned into 4 years full of laughter in class, fear of having the irregular verbs exam, and a pandemic that has changed our life, and, sadly, our last years at Labor. But at the end of the day, I guess it’s part of our history.

Now that our chapter at Labor is finally closed, I would like to thank my friends and classmates for all the happiness we have shared, I wish you all the best for your future; I would also like to thank my family, my amazing parents and my two little brothers; all of the teachers, but especially a few: Ana, Vallejo, Leo, both Pablos, Pilar, and Cándido. I wish he was here today, I’m sure he would have pulled our ears; something I would like to mention is that Cándido was the one who told me to study Science, because he said that he could see that I like it, and well, he was right.

And last but not least, I would like to thank Celia, my partner in crime since we were 3 years old, probably one of the people who knows me best; she has always been there for me; it sounds very typical, but it’s true!

Now, I have to give you one piece of advice, I usually don’t like giving advice because what do I know that you don’t? When I started my way at this school, I was a little girl who wanted to be a Winx. Then, at 10, I wanted to be president. But, at 13, I didn’t know it; I was saying: “I don’t belong to no city, I don’t belong to no one, I’m free and I do what I want”. It looked like I knew who I was, but I was so wrong, because I was going to forget who I was and then I was going to find her again, and forget who I was and find her again… Like this through all my adolescence; if you could see my DinA5, you’ll see that I’m not lying; in fact, our teacher Leo can confirm it. But I think I have learned to stop being so hard on myself, for changing, for growing and for learning. So, if I do give you one piece of advice right now is that if you lose yourself or if you don’t know which way to go, it’s never too late to find yourself again, even if you fail, because that means that you are trying. Oh, in case you were wondering, now I think that if you ask me, I want to be a psychiatrist, but don’t pay too much attention to me, maybe tomorrow I’ll want to be an influencer.

Thanks for your attention, and enjoy the snacks that are waiting for us. And remember: keep trying, even if you fail.

When a door closes, another one opens up, by Alicia Fernández Framiñán (4 ESO B)

Good afternon,

I would like to thank my family, teachers and friends for coming here today to our graduation.

I am very happy today because we finally graduate and we begin a new stage in our lives, in which I will meet new people, discover new things and countries.

“When a door closes, another one opens up”, this is my motto, the end of something is the beginning of something new, a new stage in my life is about to open now.

I remember when my sister Carla and I took part in the dance competitions at school, we loved dancing, and we always finished in a good position, we got an applause from the public, diplomas, medals and recognition; it was great! What beautiful memories!

My role model is my mum because she has helped me and has always been there, and because of her permanent effort, I love you! I would not have got where I am today without my effort, my teachers’ support and specially the help of my family, my mum and my grandmother: thanks for being there!

Thanks to my parents, family, and friends for being here today with me sharing this very exciting moment. Thank you, Jose, for supporting me and for being a good friend, thanks for everything.

My expectations for the future are getting a vocational training degree in Trade and Marketing. I see myself working for a company, making adds, designing campaigns, selling products and services, helping clients and customers, I am very excited to start. “When a door closes another one opens up”, this is my motto.

I would like also to thank my classmates, I wish you a good end of the schoolyear; I hope we could be together again in the future; let's keep in touch. I hope that you will have a nice life, reach your objectives, make your dreams come true and be the same person you are: I love you, guys!

This last year has been affected by Covid19: wearing a mask in class and keeping social distance without touching anything was horrible. I would like to kindly remember our teacher Candido who is no longer with us, I specially remember when he pointed out a finger, shouting at us, during Chemistry class: “First signs, then numbers”.

I feel ready for a new life that is starting today! Thank you all and take care!

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