Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Best 2023 Graduation Speech, by Lucas Antón: "Mistakes"

This year's best graduation speech is by 4 ESO A student Lucas Antón Cortés who has not only written a brilliant commencement address, but he has delivered it in style and grace, and with excellent pronunciation, intonation and stance, and with remarkable composure, serenity and good spirit. Congratulations!

As usual, this student is the chosen one to speak on behalf of their 4 ESO classmates at the graduation ceremony to be held at 1 pm on Wednesday 21st June.


Good afternoon to everyone and thank you so much for coming on such a special day!

Today is an exciting day, exciting because we are finally graduating in this amazing school. But it´s also a sad day, sad because we are leaving a place we all have shared for the last 13 years.

First, I want to say sorry because, as you can see, I´m nervous and I´ll probably make some mistakes. Well, you know what? I don’t care because that’s life, life is made up of mistakes. I’m sure that none of you is where you are thanks to making no mistakes, I’m completely sure that all of you are where you are thanks to loads of mistakes.

I still remember when I was a child and wanted to grow up, because when you’re a child, growing up is the most exciting thing in life and you just want to grow. Now that I´m not that young, I´ve realized that growing up is not as exciting as it was and that we must stop thinking about tomorrow and start thinking about today. We must enjoy this time of our lives because the teens are the best years in life. I’m sure that your best anecdotes are from your adolescence and that, if you could, you’d give anything to get back to your teens, even only for one day.

Putting memories aside, I would like to say thanks, obviously, to my mother and my father. They´ve raised me to be a good person and have always helped me always with any problem. To my brother and my sister. They are everything for me, they have always been there when I needed them. I’d also like to thank all my friends; in part, this wouldn’t be possible without them. I’d love to thank them individually, but that would take all day.

I’d also like to thank some teachers: Álvaro, thanks for teaching us the importance of English and that we have to translate ideas, not words. Javi, thanks for those whole classes talking about the bitcoin. Pilar, thanks for teaching us History and for those classes telling you our anecdotes. Manolo, thanks for teaching us Physics and Chemistry and that when being clean and organised you´re half way to pass. Leo, thanks for 2 teaching us Technology, Technical drawing, etc. And why Microsoft Word 2003 is the best one in life. Of course, Marta and Hugo, because even though we haven´t known you for a long time, it looks like we do. In general, I’d like to thank you all for being so patient with us in these 13 years here and for being, instead of our teachers, our friends. 

But let´s stop talking about the past, let’s talk about the future. Well, I don’t really know what to say about the future, because I don’t know what I want. I thought that I knew, but I was wrong, but that´s OK, life is made up of mistakes. It doesn’t really matter if you fail, nobody is going to remember your mistakes in the future, so fail once, twice, no matter how many times, just fail. You learn more from mistakes than from success.

I don’t like to say this, but this is probably our last day together, in this amazing school, so I can only wish you one thing, good luck in life my friends, I’m sure life will smile at you.

But don’t get sad, as I’ve said before, we have to live the present, so please enjoy the snacks and drinks served on the schoolyard.

Thank you so much for being here today. So long.

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Thursday, June 8, 2023

RC Celta beat FC Barcelona to stay safe from relegation!

RC Celta had a monumental task on their hands needing to beat Barcelona to be sure of 1t Division safety and not need to rely on other results. They did just that! Emotional scenes at Estadio Balaidos following the huge result.

Don't forget you can have subtitles pressing the second icon at the bottom of the screen.

 No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only

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