Thursday, April 14, 2011

ESO 3 - 3rd Term PBL 2010-11

ESO 3 Students,

Here is your PBL assignment for the 3rd term, a group project in which you will be practising the listening and writing skills.

Your task is to TRANSCRIBE these YouTube video clips:
  1. Comparative Adjectives
  2. Superlative Adjectives
  3. Passive Voice
  4. Passive Voice, Present Tense
You have to listen carefully to what the narrators say and type it down accurately. You DO NOT have to TRANSLATE it into Spanish: your job is to write a transcription in ENGLISH.

If there is something you don't understand (for example, a name or a specific term) it is a good idea to type on  Google or on any other search engine the text placed immediately before and after the 'missing' word. Very often those search engines will return results including the information you need. And, who knows, you may get lucky and find all of your video transcribed! In that case, be careful: not all transcriptions are accurate and reliable: you will have to check and edit them. Points will be deducted not only for incorrect content, but also for poor spelling, punctuation and/or formatting.

IMPORTANT: You must follow the same formatting rules as for the rest of school projects: The font must be 'Century Gothic', size 12; 1.5 line spacing, justified text, page numbers at the bottom centre of each page.

Only the PDF format will be allowed. Your file must be identified using ONLY the name of your group (which you will find below). For example, GROUP_2A_1.pdf or GROUP_2B_3.pdf. Points will be deducted if you do not identify your file properly.

The DEADLINE is FRIDAY 27th MAY at 23.59.59.

The groups and video assignments are as follows:

GROUP_3A_1: Comparative Adjectives
Yasmina El Hachimi
Amadeo Martí Vilas
Inés Álvarez
Tamara Bar
Martín Cid

GROUP_3A_2: Superlative Adjectives
Iago Borrajo
Adrián Blanco
Laura Fernández
Aaron Hernández
María Casal

GROUP_3A_3: Passive Voice
Sol Epstein
José Mª Álvarez
Claudia Suárez
Carlos Montaño
Inés Bolaño

GROUP_3A_4: Passive Voice, Present Tense
Carlos Maceiras
Sarah García
Paula Casal
Evelyn Rodríguez
Pedro Bartolomé

GROUP_3B_1: Comparative Adjectives
Miguel Romero
Fabio Gonçalves
Antía Suárez
Laura Fernández
Antía Bardelás

GROUP_3B_2: Superlative Adjectives
Estela Pascual
Saray Riveiro
Desirée Fernández
J. Manuel Vázquez
Miguel Sotelo

GROUP_3B_3: Passive Voice
Cecilia Saa
Lara Paz
Paula Varona
Lucía Ben
Carmen Oliveira

GROUP_3B_4: Passive Voice, Present Tense
Paula Suárez
Josué Saavedra
Jessica Davila
Fernando Herrera
Arantxa Hierro

Good Luck!

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

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