Friday, May 11, 2012

Prince Charles - Weatherman

During a tour of BBC Scotland's headquarters, Prince Charles presents Reporting Scotland's lunchtime weather forecast. Reading a bleak prognosis for Balmoral, he jokes: 'Who the hell wrote this script?' The prince and his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, were visting the BBC as a part of their annual Holyrood Week.

Clutching a remote control and reading authoritatively from an autocue, HRH Prince Charles looked perfectly at home as he took over the forecast on a visit to BBC Scotland.
He was introduced live on air by lunch-time news presenter Sally Magnusson with the words: ‘Over to you, Your Royal Highness.’
Against the backdrop of the BBC’s weather map, the prince delivered an almost word-perfect reading of a specially written script.
The weather map had been given a royal makeover in honour of its guest presenter, and was dotted with family landmarks including Balmoral, the Castle of Mey and Dumfries House.
‘Well it’s an unsettled picture as we head towards the end of the week,’ he began. ‘Ahh, this afternoon it will be cold, wet and windy across most of Scotland. The rain, of course, will be heaviest over the borders and, err, around Edinburgh, where it could lead to difficult conditions on the roads.’
But the rain of Prince Charles was not over yet.
He went on to say there would be a few drier interludes ‘over Dumfries House in Ayrshire’. At this he point he turned to the camera and gave a cheery ‘a-ha!’ of recognition.
He continued: ‘There will be snow for the higher ground of the Highlands and Aberdeenshire’ and ‘there will be the potential for a few flurries over Balmoral’ before chuckling and asking: ‘Who the hell wrote this script?’

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