Monday, October 29, 2012


Glee is a musical American TV series aired on Fox in USA.  It focuses on McKinley High School students, especially on its choir, called New Directions, and the singing competitions they join in.
What are the show’s strong points?

   1.       It focuses on teenagers (15-18 years old) their relationships, sexuality and social issues.
   2.       It has amazing versions of well known songs of all times, from The Beatles to Lady Gaga.
   3.       All songs are performed and danced by the teenagers and/or their teachers.
   4.       You can find tall, short, fat, thin, beautiful, ugly, gay, straight, disable and “able” students. Thus, it
         avoids discrimination and stereotypes.
   5.       And last but not least, it is a good way to improve your listening skills while having fun!

Have a look at the following cover songs from the show…

                         It's Not Unusual

                          Born This Way

                       Soul Sisters


                  Imagine (with deaf people's choir)

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.


  1. Very interesting Raquel LP!

  2. Their versions are better than the originals!!!!!

  3. Really interesting. Had heard about these series... now I look forward to watching it! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. I really like this show!!! The music is really great and anyone can relate to the characters because they are so diverse. It is a great opportunity to enjoy music while learning English!

  5. I love Glee!.I'm glad you're of the few people who see it. So little was the success in Spain Antena 3 only gives its in Neox channel. "Salvame" has higher rating :(
    USA make the best series! Great post.

  6. Thanks to all of you for your comments. I am glad the show is still quite popular in Spain although it has not been given much publicity.
    I would recommend it especially to teens due to the topics they deal with (although some adult sensible females can enjoy it as well ;) )
    Melanie, it really sad that “Sálvame” is still on (well, it’s incredible that someone once thought of airing such a programme…) I am glad you're a fan of Glee. Can you sing? If so, I can imagine you as the next Rachel Berry! ;)


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