Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Tube Map 2017

(Reblogged from The Telegraph)

This festive Tube map will make you wish the Underground was open on Christmas Day.

If you look closely at this beautiful map, you will see that a few festive changes have been made. We all love a good alternative Tube map. There's a geographically accurate one, one which shows average house prices at each stop, one which points out the most haunted tube stations and even one which shows you how to climb Everest

Now, there's a festive tube map, with excitingly-named stations. How do you feel about We Three Kings Cross St. Pancras? Regent's Park has been re-named Treegent's Park. Oxford Circus is now Boxing Day Circus. Our favourite is Victo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ria. And Angel has been left out - as it is already festive. They could have bunged a 'Gabriel' on the end.The map was created by a Twitter user named Paul, for us to enjoy during the festivities. He made it to use on his Christmas cards. It's impressive that one man managed to come up with all these different names. Sadly, we cannot use the map on Christmas Day - as the Underground is shut.

No copyright infringement intended. For educational, non-commercial purposes only.

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