Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Newsy: Prince William & Kate: They Will!

Prince William and longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton are officially engaged. The news topped every morning show.

Sorry ladies. Your man Prince William will be permanently off the market in a matter of months. He and longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton are officially engaged. The breaking news topped every morning show – and according to HLN – even the prime minister’s agenda.

CAMERON: “I was given the news in a cabinet meeting. I was passed a piece of paper and announced the news in the middle of the cabinet meeting. And there was a great cheer [that] went up and a great banging of the table.
CAMERON: “A great day for our country. A great day for the royal family. And obviously a great day for Prince William and for Kate.”

Dlisted’s Michael K says he hands it to Kate – as long as she keeps her hands off his preferred prince – Harry: “After 9 long years of polishing the royal jewels and slowly crawling towards the crown, Kate Middleton has done it! Gold diggers of the world slip on your white gloves and gracefully clap for Kate. THE CROWN DIGGER IS VICTORIOUS!”

With visions of mile-long trains and billowing shoulder pads in mind – CNN’s Richard Quest – passionately – answers the question: is this another Charles and Diana?

QUEST: “This relationship is worlds, poles, galaxies, universes apart from the relationship that existed between William’s parents. First of all, Charles and Diana had barely met.”
QUEST: “Take this relationship…they’ve known each other for years. They’re living together de facto as man and wife in North Wales at the moment.”

Also not like Charles and Di’s big day – the wedding spot. St. Paul’s is reportedly out as an option. A royal watcher tells NBC, the wedding will still be the event of 2011. 

NBC CONTRIBUTOR: “Although the queen is very keen for it to be aware of the age of austerity we live in—everyone’s worried about money—I think everyone also would like a bit of fun. Everyone does like a wedding—particularly a royal wedding. It’s interesting to note they’re saying it’s going to be in London, so my belief is it will probably be at Westminster Abbey.”

Finally, an ABC report says William isn’t taking the traditional path – but after being heavy handed with Diana – Buckingham is letting it slide.

ABC REPORTER: “William is breaking with centuries of tradition by marrying Kate. British princes are supposed to marry one of their own—an aristocratic girl with a title and some land. That’s not Kate.”
ROYAL WATCHER: “This is a great moment—a real breakthrough. Kate comes from an ordinary, common family. Not Lady Kate Middleton. They’re self-made millionaires and we should all be celebrating that.”

The wedding is set for Spring or Summer 2011. So, is this a victory to bridge royalty and commoners? Or is the whole “royalty” thing -- just a little much?

Writer: Chance Seales

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